Soil [Classification of Soil, Soil Erosion, Soil Conservation]

The topic ‘Soil’ is important for IAS Exam – Geography subject that comes under Mains GS-I. This article will brief you about soil, the different types of soils in India and their characteristics, soil erosion and the importance and ways of soil conservation.

Classification of Soil in India (UPSC Notes)
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What is Soil?

The loose material or the upper layer of the mantle rock (regolith – a layer of loose, heterogeneous material covering solid rock) consisting mainly of very small particles and humus which can support the growth of plants is known as “soil”. Soil mainly consists of mineral/rock particles, portions of decayed organic matter, soil water, soil air and living organisms. The major factors that influence the formation of soil are parent material, relief, climate, vegetation, life forms and time.

In general, soil is composed of four elements:

  1. Inorganic or mineral fractions derived from the parent material
  2. Organic matter (decayed and decomposed plants and animals)
  3. Air
  4. Water

Soil is formed under specific natural conditions and each of the elements of the natural environment contributes to this complex process of soil formation known as “pedogenesis”.

Soil Profile

The soil profile is a vertical cross-section of the soil, made of layers parallel to the surface. Each layer of soil has a different texture and is known as the horizon.

Underneath these three horizons is the rock which is known as the parent rock or the bedrock.

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Different Types of Soil in India

In the ancient period, soils were mainly classified into two – Urvara (fertile) and Usara (sterile).

The first scientific classification of soil was done by Vasily Dokuchaev. In India, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has classified soils into 8 categories. The types of soil in India according to this are:

  1. Alluvial Soil
  2. Black Cotton Soil
  3. Red & Yellow Soil
  4. Laterite Soil
  5. Mountainous or Forest Soil
  6. Arid or Desert Soil
  7. Saline and Alkaline Soil
  8. Peaty and Marshy Soil

As mentioned before, there are eight types of soils categorized by ICAR but some Indian Soils like – Karewa soil, Sub-Montane Soil, Snowfield, Grey/Brown Soil are all sub-types of main Indian Soil. Let’s read about them one by one:

Types of Soil in India – Alluvial Soil